LIVING LIFE Moments to Miracles
Imagine waking up every day feeling refreshed. You have places to go and things to do and you’re excited about the day because you have the energy to get things done and the confidence in how you look. And, you FEEL amazing. That’s how life can be when you incorporate simple healthy life-style habits into your daily routine. Healthy Living is a journey; a fun adventure worth taking. Aging less and laughing more!
The Tick of Time serves as a vessel to project my passion and EMPOWER others to age less, laugh more, maintain health and live life with passion. We can’t stop time, but we can ‘slow the tick’ of aging by investing in our body.
The Tick of Time is meant to help you discover simple ways to invest in your body and live a healthier and therefore happier life - no matter your age.
The Roots
Coach Jean
1818 Years of helping others achieve their healthy lifestyle goals.

I’d like to share with you a bit about my nutrition journey!
How I went from being over-weight with no self-esteem, to dropping 45 pounds, regaining my energy, and feeling darn proud.
And a kicker Bonus - helping others achieve their healthy lifestyle goals too.
Before I share with you EXACTLY how I turned my life into one of wellness, energy, confidence, and even firing my boss and venturing into a great new career for myself in the wellness arena . . .
I’d love to share with you how I beat the odds and overcame my family’s ‘image’ of me which ultimately became my ‘image’ of me.
Are you open to get to know me?
How It Got Started!
My Story Begins Here:
My name is Jean and I currently live on the central Oregon Coast, after having lived in the Sonoran Desert area in Arizona for 11 years. I was born and raised on a farm in Minnesota and moved to the beautiful Oregon Coast (the first time) when I was 23.
As a kid, I was called ‘fat’, and sometimes "fatty, fatty, 2 x 4; can’t get through the kitchen door.”
Every birthday and holiday card from my loving aunts with words such as "to my little niece" were CROSSED OUT with the words "to my BIG niece" written in. What do you do? They're family.
I believed them.
As a young woman, newly married, I overheard my new Mother-in-law say, “Poor Jeannie. She always has to struggle so with being overweight.”
Really? I was 5’ 4” and weighed 105 lbs. Hmmm . . .
But the seed was planted and the image was there.
Then I had 3 daughters and with the last daughter I stopped getting on the scale when it tipped over the 200 lb mark.
I had to wear my maternity clothes home from the hospital.
The day came when I saw a picture of myself. YIKES. I went on a diet.
I did the fruit juice diet and fainted in the post office.
I did the Atkins diet and threw-up after only 2 days.
I tried the Grapefruit Diet, diet pills, Slim Fast and the only thing that happened was I got really, really cranky.
Then one day I decided to simply count my calories and I started exercising doing the Air Force Academy Exercise Program. This took a long time, but I finally lost about 80 lbs.
I was still cranky.
I was working in the medical field as a Clinic Administrator. I was up at 5 am, at work by 7 am and home again between 6 pm and 7 pm, depending on traffic.
I had coffee for breakfast, nothing for lunch potato chips when I got home, while I made dinner.
My husband and I decided to go on a low-fat diet, to protect our heart; because a friend had recently suffered a heart attack.
We ate pasta. We ate bread. We ate anything from the store that said “low fat”.
I gained weight. I gained more weight. I gained even more weight.
I picked up every bug there was!
Walking the halls of the hospital and riding in the elevator with many sick people took it's toll.
Now I was really and truly over-weight, sick all the time, crabby and such low energy I could hardly get dinner going in the evening much less do some laundry.
I became an evening couch potato, sound asleep by 8 pm.
I became concerned because I was sick all the time and was truly alarmed that something was seriously wrong with me.
I did the sensible thing and made an appointment with my doctor.
Great news.
She told me there was nothing wrong with me that some good nutrition wouldn’t cure. She said my ‘immune’ system was low and I was overweight from the types of food I was eating.
My physician advised me to look for a good nutrition supplement.
The ‘wellness’ journey begins.
Amazing how things happen. It was within days of this that I responded to a work from home opportunity. The opportunity was Herbalife Nutrition.
I had never heard of the company, so of course I said, “What kind of a company are they? What do they do?”
The gal I spoke with told me they had nutrition supplements and weight-loss products.
I wasn’t sure about the opportunity, but I was sure I should try the products because my doctor told me to lose weight and start taking a good vitamin supplement.
The first day – WOW it tasted yummy, was so convenient and I was satisfied.
The first evening - home from work, made dinner, did the dishes, cleaned the family room, did laundry, wide awake so watched television.
Stayed awake until 11:00 PM! Hadn’t done that in years.
Slept like a baby.
Second day – surely first day must have been too good to be true. It wasn't. The second day - same as first day. Felt great, not hungry, totally satisfied, great energy, still NOT cranky.
Third day - repeat of day one and day two.
Maybe there really is something to this healthy stuff.
Fast forward - Dropped 45 pounds of fat, continued to feel great, incredible energy, not cranky anymore and did not pick up every ‘bug’ from my work environment anymore. *
The opportunity strikes! Ta Da!
A gal at work said “You seem so different and you are losing weight. I want what you have.”
Another gal who came to the office on a monthly basis saw me and said, “You’ve changed since I saw you last. You look so good. What did you do?”
Ok. I’m not a fool.
I was looking to start some business that I could do in my spare time, from home and make money.
You got it right. They each got started on a program, I worked with them to help them achieve the results they wanted and I made some cash money. Not bad for 10 minutes of sharing a story.
How fun. How easy. I was sold. I became a Wellness Coach. I ultimately fired my boss.
How cool is that. Get healthy. Lose weight. Help others. Make money
The rest, like they say, is history.
(*The average person who uses the Herbalife Formula 1 twice a day as part of a healthy lifestyle can generally expect to lose around half a pound to 1 pound per week.)
I never said I was average.
Do you know how fun it is to look in the mirror and say “Shazam! I look darn good!”
And, you know of course . . .‘The First Wealth is Health’.
What a life!
Waking up every morning feeling great, and excited for everything the day brings your way. Who could ask for anything more?
Wait, there is more.
When the heads turn as you walk by and there’s a bounce in your step because of how good you look and feel! Well, surely that sums it up!
Send me a message, I’d love to help you achieve your wellness goals.
How about getting some FREE ‘Wellness Recommendations’ tailored just for you!
To Your Health and Wellness Adventure,