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The Tick
of Time
"A Healthy Today
for a Better
Jean Culver
2 min read
Super Hero?
There is actually no true definition for a 'super-food'. It is simply a word used to promote the nutritional properties of healthy foods.
Jean Culver
3 min read
A Truck, An Apple & You
Oxidation in our bodies damages our cells. When oxygen is 'metabolized' it creates 'free radicals' causing damage.
Jean Culver
2 min read
A Gut Feeling
The gut 'microbiome' is like a world within you. It is an entire ecosystem made up of trillions of diverse organisms.
Jean Culver
2 min read
The Crown You Never Take Off
No matter the style, a balanced diet is necessary to give hair the nutrients required to look and feel healthy.
Jean Culver
2 min read
A Simple Tune-Up
Your 'immune system'is your very own personal army of soldiers that protect your body by identifying anything foreign.
Jean Culver
2 min read
Turn That Frown Upside Down
Smiling can trick your brain into believing you're happy which can then spur actual feelings of happiness.
Jean Culver
2 min read
The First Wealth is Health
Wellness - "The state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal."
Jean Culver
2 min read
I'm A Little Stressed!
"Go slow to go fast! We live as though there aren't enough hours in the day but if we do each thing calmly and carefully we will get it done
Jean Culver
3 min read
Sugar In The Morning
Researchers found that people who drink 2.5 cans of sugary soda daily are three times more likely to be depressed and anxious than others.
Jean Culver
2 min read
Why Am I Eating This?
The human body is incredible and "you are what you eat", is absolutely true. Your body is your best friend, so please give it what it needs.
Jean Culver
3 min read
The 'Yo-Yo Effect'
Eating the 'right' calories is one of the most important ways to manage weight. Eating the right calories is a life-style change.
Jean Culver
2 min read
Heads or Tails?
To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art.
Jean Culver
4 min read
Your Body, Your Life
What we eat is central to our health! Food acts as medicine - to maintain, prevent and treat disease.
Jean Culver
3 min read
The ABC's of Protein
The proteins we eat and the protein in our body are made up of little things called amino acids.
Jean Culver
4 min read
Never To Old For Building Blocks
The word protein is derived from the Greek word 'protos' meaning first rank or position in recognition of how important protein is to life.
Jean Culver
2 min read
Eat A Rainbow
Not only is a rainbow a 'feast' for the eyes, the colors of a rainbow are a 'feast' found in the colorful fruits and vegetables
Jean Culver
3 min read
Eating a healthy breakfast can set the stage for healthier eating all day long.
Jean Culver
2 min read
Did you realize about 71% of our planet's surface is covered by water and about 70% of our body is comprised of water?
Jean Culver
2 min read
Plant Foods Have Fat Too?
Our Hunter-Gatherer Ancestors got their fats naturally from an abundance of plant foods like vegetables, fruits, algae, nuts and seeds;
Jean Culver
3 min read
Getting Back on the Wagon
You messed up your diet and you didn't exercise today - so what? You didn't ruin anything. Get back on track tomorrow!
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