"In the past, people would spend a whole evening sitting by the fire reading. They would concentrate on their book, maybe talking to someone else in the house, but no one else." - Health Fitness Revolution
To Read or Not To Read
Do you love to read and have you maybe even been called a book worm? Or are you one of the countless many who haven't picked up a book since high school?
Ponder this: "Reading is one of the noblest activities you can engage in." Reading provides an opportunity for both knowledge and entertainment - AND, is a stress reliever. Research shows that reading provides many 'health' benefits.
Relaxation and Tranquility
A University of Sussex study found that 68% of people were less stressed after reading, which is greater than other approaches to relaxation. A well written novel will transport you to other realms allowing life stresses to slip away as you lose yourself in a good story.
The subject you read can also help bring about peace and tranquility. Reading spiritual books have been shown to help lower blood pressure, while reading self-help books can help with mood disorders.
Knowledge and Wisdom
The more knowledge you have, the more equipped you are in life and everything you read fills your head
with new bits of information. Regular reading increases your intelligence by widening your vocabulary, improving your critical thinking skills and improving your understanding of the world around you. Studies show that reading improves cognitive ability so you aren't only learning new things, your brain is functioning at a more advanced level.
Focus and Concentration
Many people today are busy watching tv, browsing the internet, checking email or texting. This can cause stress along with a lack of focus and concentration. Reading teaches you to stay focused on the same task for long periods of time.
Try reading for 15 - 20 minutes before work or before you begin your day and discover how much better you are able to concentrate on the tasks at hand. And, how much more relaxed you will be as you begin the day.
Happiness and Motivation
Books can change your world! Books can motivate you to become a better you and even help you make important decisions and be inspired with possibilities.
In a study from INC, magazine, 20% of readers reported feeling more satisfied in life after just 30 minutes a week of book worming. You can literally read for happiness!
“Books are what you step on to take you to a higher shelf. The higher your stack of books, the higher the shelf you can reach. Want to reach higher? Stack some more books under your feet! Reading is what brings us to new knowledge. It opens new doors. It helps us understand mysteries. It lets us hear from successful people. Reading is what takes us down the road in our journey. Everything you need for a better future and success has already been written.” - Jim Rohn