Wellness - "The state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal."
A True Treasure
Wellness is a true TREASURE more valuable than the treasure found in a pirate's treasure chest. Wellness is a state of being. It is the existence of positive health as demonstrated by quality of life and a sense of well-being. Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a more successful existence.
I used to accept the absence of sickness or disease as the evidence of good health. Wrong! Being 'well' is waking up every day feeling great and living every day to the fullest. It means feeling physically vibrant and mentally alert.
Waking up every morning feeling rested and refreshed and going through the day with energy and the ability to focus on goals. It means having soft skin, shiny hair, strong teeth and clear eyes. It means not readily picking up every cold or flu symptom going around. It means having an incredible sense of 'feeling alive'.
The Recipe
Every day we search for ways to feel better; this makes our days more enjoyable for ourselves as well as those around us.
The recipe for success is a balanced diet combined with sufficient water intake, along with exercise. By combining these three keys to daily wellness, you are giving yourself the opportunity to feel good day after day.
There are certain factors that really impact our health. The good news it's never too late to take better care of yourself and by living each day with a wellness intention most of these factors can easily be fixed.
Fast Foods - high in fat & low in nutrients
Overly-processed, convenience foods
Sedentary Lifestyle
Certain medications
Lack of dietary fiber from fruits, vegetables & whole grains
Not enough healthy sources of protein in our diets to support healthy muscle & bon.e
Lack of proper rest.
Since YOU ARE IN CONTROL OF YOUR DIET and activity level, you have the power to improve your immediate and future health. All you need is the right information and the DESIRE to put it into action. Remember, improving your wellness is a step-by-step process.
The Deciding Factor
Sometimes we don't realize that we have mixed feelings about making behavior changes. Take a few minutes to think about and list the BENEFITS and drawbacks of changing your nutritional habits.
Benefit of not making changes:
Benefit of making changes:
Drawback of not making changes:
Drawback of making changes:
Rate each of your answers on a scale of 1-5 where:
1 = Not important
2 = Somewhat important
3 = Important
4 = Very important
5 = Extremely important
Can you now see why making a DECISION is an important factor in losing weight, feeling better, having more energy and all of the positive effects of good nutrition?
"The food you eat can either be the safest and most powerful form of medicine . . . . . or the slowest form of poison." - Ann Wigmore