"Because your body is essentially one big miraculous 24/7 construction site, you can change the way you look and feel pretty quickly." - Cynthia Sass, MPH, MA, RD, CSSD
Although you may not feel it or even realize it; your body is constantly repairing, healing and rebuilding.
It's called 'cellular' or 'cell regeneration'. For the most part we get entirely new bodies every decade or so! Pretty awesome, right?
This function is the means by which our bodies stay alive and continue forging ahead.
A Timeline
Think about this. Every cell in your body has a 'shelf life'. Each day your body is busy making new cells to replace the ones that are dying.
And, each cell’s life cycle is different. For instance; the cells lining the stomach, because they’re exposed to acid, replace themselves about every five days.
Cells in the epidermis last about a week. Red blood cells live for approximately four months in the body, while hepatocytes (liver cells) live about five.
On the other end of the spectrum, some cells take much longer than seven years to regenerate. A bone completely remodels itself and replaces all of its cells every 10 years or so, while your heart takes about 20 years.
You Are What You Eat
The phrase, "You are what you eat" is literally true. The nutrients from the foods you choose to eat provide the foundation necessary for the structure, function and integrity of every single cell in your body.
In simple terms, these nutrients are responsible for how healthy the new cells are. A diet of highly processed food that's low on nutrients doesn't give your body what it needs to work with.
On the other hand, a diet filled with nutrients from fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meat protein, beans, whole grains, wild caught sea food etc.; gives your body the ability to build cells that work better and are less susceptible to premature aging and disease.
Your Construction Site
Your body truly is a miraculous 24/7 construction site. You really do have the ability to change the way you look and feel quite fast.
Throughout my years working as a Wellness Coach, I have heard many times someone say, "It's only been a week since I changed my diet and I can't believe how much more energy I have and how much better I feel."
And the truly amazing thing is, it's easy to see the change just by looking at them. Their skin actually takes on a healthy looking 'glow'.
This is the power of good nutrition!
Nourish Your body!
It's never to late to begin the process of rebuilding you!
Transforming your diet can affect your mood, energy, health, performance and appearance! Taking your miraculous 24/7 construction site and rebuilding it with the 'brick and mortar' of healthy nutrients vs. the 'cardboard and tape' of highly processed foods is all it takes.
Your body knows what it needs even if you don't. Your job is to make sure your body has access to a smorgasbord of nutrients. Along with choosing fresh foods from the perimeter of the grocery store or from your garden, you can ensure your body is getting everything it needs by supplementing your diet with Herbalife's 'Core Nutrition' products.
Nourish your body and succeed at living your healthiest life!
"Those who think they have no time for healthy eating . . . Will sooner or later have to find time for illness." - Edward Stanley